Trans Mississippi issued $100 – Military Endorsement  T39 $100 1862 PF-13 Cr. 294 Plate State III PMG Choice Very Fine 35.



Trans Mississippi issued $100 – Military Endorsement  T39 $100 1862 PF-13 Cr. 294 Plate State III PMG Choice Very Fine 35.
Military endorsement of Capt. & AQM Charles L. Lege paying out this note (undoubtedly in Houston, TX) on September 26, 1862. Houston and Montgomery, AL IP stamps. VERY SCARCE RARITY 9 ISSUE WITH NO CLOUDS ABOVE TRAIN!!!



Trans Mississippi issued $100 – Military Endorsement  T39 $100 1862 PF-13 Cr. 294 Plate State III PMG Choice Very Fine 35.
Military endorsement of Capt. & AQM Charles L. Lege paying out this note (undoubtedly in Houston, TX) on September 26, 1862. Houston and Montgomery, AL IP stamps. VERY SCARCE RARITY 9 ISSUE WITH NO CLOUDS ABOVE TRAIN!!!


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