Dover Mills, VA- S.P. Cocke 10¢ Mar. 1, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PD30-04 PMG Very Good 10.


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Dover Mills, VA- S.P. Cocke 10¢ Mar. 1, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PD30-04 PMG Very Good 10.

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Dover Mills, VA- S.P. Cocke 10¢ Mar. 1, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PD30-04 PMG Very Good 10.

This note is part of one of the more complex Civil War scrip series. The same person, S.P. Cocke, issued notes datelined Richmond and Dover Mills, VA. It is virtually certain that a merchant listed in the 1860 Federal Census for Dover Mills by the name of Sylvesta (Sylvester) P. Cocke was the prodigious issuer of this scrip that was in many respects humorous. Noted Virginia specialist Richard Jones, for example. points to Cocke’s use of “COCKE’S SOUTHERN REMEDY” on this note suggesting that his scrip was a solution to the chronic coin shortage. By 1866, Sylvester P. Cocke is listed as a wood and coal dealer residing in Richmond. The simple design has small vignettes of a plow and scales at center as well as a decorative end panel at left,  Very scarce.


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