OBSOLETE CRRENCY ..FLORIDA….Gutter Fold Error Appalachicola, FL- Bank of West Florida $5 Nov. 18, 1832 G30 Benice 3 PMG Very Fine 25.
The bank was authorized to open a branch in Apalachicola (the town name is misspelled by modern day standards with two Ps on this design) in 1831 and then moved its headquarters there the following year. The bank, for all intents and purposes, suspended in 1837 but was revived in 1838 before suspending for good in 1842. The note features Justice standing by a shield in front of barrels and bales. A woman standing by a pillar appears at left and a round vignette of men with livestock is at right. The note has two vertical gutter folds on the right end, one of which runs through the right vignette. A small price annotation in the back upper right corner is mentioned by PMG