Jacksonville, FL- Confederate Packing House Payable at the Bank of St. Johns 5¢ 1862 Benice 27 PMG Choice Fine 15


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Jacksonville, FL- Confederate Packing House Payable at the Bank of St. Johns 5¢ 1862 Benice 27 PMG Choice Fine 15

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Jacksonville, FL- Confederate Packing House Payable at the Bank of St. Johns 5¢ 1862 Benice 27 PMG Choice Fine 15.
With the beginning of the Civil War, a number of business concerns across the South incorporated “Confederate” into their firms’ names. In this case, a pork packing house transformed itself into the Confederate Packing House. Arrangements were made for this company’s notes to be redeemed by the Bank of St. Johns and that arrangement was noted in a text box on the left end of this note which also, appropriately enough, is adorned with the images of four pork barrels. Fully issued and signed by J. Remington, the note was redeemable in current funds when sums of $5 were presented at the bank.


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