Jacksonville, FL- Florida Atlantic & Gulf Central Rail Road Co. $1 Benice 36 Remainder PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ.


Jacksonville, FL- Florida Atlantic & Gulf Central Rail Road Co. $1 Benice 36 Remainder PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ.

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Jacksonville, FL- Florida Atlantic & Gulf Central Rail Road Co. $1 Benice 36 Remainder PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ.
The railroad was organized in 1851 and completed a line from Jacksonville to Alligator Town (now Lake City). The line was completed in 1860 and service was interrupted intermittently during the war. The railroad defaulted in 1868 and was sold, becoming the Florida Central Railroad. Ironically, the $1 note features a vignette of two horses being spooked by a distant train. There is an additional vignette of a train going under a high bridge at left and an oval female portrait at right. This ABNCo produced note is always popular with both railroad and Florida collectors.


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