Civil War Token….NY, New York • NY-630-C-11a • C. Bahr / Knoop’s • R: KNOOPS SEGARS & TOBACCO / 131 /
BOWERY / N.Y. (obverse of NY-630-A) • Copper PE. Muling of two unrelated dies. • R-4 •
MS-64 RB (PCGS)• 34110431
A near-Gem from the Richard Rossa Collection. The finest seen, Red and brown nicely mixed.
Used to be listed as R-6 but now as R-4. I respectfully suggest that it is rarer than R-4.
Notes: This is a very significant muling with relation to the die state of the NY-630-AO die; apparently, this muling was struck prior to an extensive run of regular NY-630-AO varieties.