Richmond, VA- (A. McKeever?) 5¢ Jan. 7, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PR60-550 ? PMG Very Fine 20.


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Richmond, VA- (A. McKeever?) 5¢ Jan. 7, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PR60-550 ? PMG Very Fine 20.

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Richmond, VA- (A. McKeever?) 5¢ Jan. 7, 1862 Jones-Littlefield PR60-550 ? PMG Very Fine 20.
The penned information on this note has badly faded making a firm attribution a little problematic, but based on the date and note design, this appears to be an issue of A. McKeever who was apparently a merchant / tobacconist. The design mirrors that of a 10¢ note issued by McKeever that is illustrated in the Virginia state catalog on page 199 with a small eagle vignette flanked by two decorative borders. Very Scarce, with Jones indicating a surviving population of perhaps 5-9 notes of this type.


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