Richmond, VA-Commonwealth of Virginia $10 Oct. 15, 1861 Cr. 4 PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ.


OBSOLETE CURRENCY….Richmond, VA-Commonwealth of Virginia $10 Oct. 15, 1861 Cr. 4 PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ.
This note was part of the first series of notes issued by the Commonwealth. It was printed by the firm of Hoyer & Ludwig who, by this time, was also heavily involved in printing treasury notes for the Confederate government. Liberty standing by a quite federal-looking shield is featured on this design. This note is virtually as nice as the day it was issued


OBSOLETE CURRENCY….Richmond, VA-Commonwealth of Virginia $10 Oct. 15, 1861 Cr. 4 PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ.
This note was part of the first series of notes issued by the Commonwealth. It was printed by the firm of Hoyer & Ludwig who, by this time, was also heavily involved in printing treasury notes for the Confederate government. Liberty standing by a quite federal-looking shield is featured on this design. This note is virtually as nice as the day it was issued.


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